May 25, 2013 1611times

Consultative Meeting with Representatives of Construction Companies

Consultative Meeting with Representatives of Construction Companies

A consultative meeting was held on Saturday 25th May at the Maison de Mahe between Government representatives and a number of construction companies in line with the Government’s ongoing consultative process aimed at addressing some of the concerns raised in recent weeks by the Truck Operators Association.


The Government felt that this meeting was necessary to give the Construction sector an opportunity to respond to these concerns and in turn, this will assist the Government to better understand these issues and where feasible, implement measures that will satisfy all parties.


The Contractors were given the opportunity to voice out their concerns in response to the issues raised by the truck operators as well as suggest their own proposed solutions to the issues.



The meeting was chaired by the Minister for Finance Trade and Investment, Mr Pierre Laporte.


Also present at the meeting were the Minister for Home Affairs and Transport, Mr Joel Morgan, the Minister for Labour and Human Resource Development, Ms Idith Alexander, high officials from these respective Ministries, representatives from the Seychelles Licensing Authority, and the Office of Fair Trading.


A number of recommendations from the side of the construction companies were put forward during the meeting. The Government suggested that given the differences in the proposals of the two sides, a meeting be held between the construction companies and the Truck Operators Association, which the government would facilitate, to allow them to put forward their concerns through a further consultative process vis-a-vis each group’s mode of operation with a view to come to a favourable and shared solution.


One of the other positive outcomes of the meeting was a suggestion by the construction companies to revive an association for the sector. This move was highly welcomed by the government as it will facilitate consultations.


The meeting ended with the Ministers noting that, ‘The government will take on board your own concerns and recommendations and they will be presented before the Consultative Committee along with those from the Truck Operators Association which will all be taken into consideration before making any decision’.