Apr 28, 2022 810times

Validation workshop on mid-term review of the second Seychelles Decent Work Country Programme (2019 – 2023) conducted

Validation workshop on mid-term review of the second Seychelles Decent Work Country Programme (2019 – 2023) conducted

It was in a half day workshop on Thursday 14th April 2022 at the Eden Bleu hotel conference room, that the Ministry of Employment and Social Affairs in collaboration with the International Labour Organization (ILO) discussed findings of the mid-term review of the second generation of the Seychelles Decent Work Country Programme (DWCP) (2019 – 2023).

The workshop was opened by the Principal Secretary for Employment Mr Jules Baker followed by remarks from the ILO Country Office Director covering Seychelles, Dr Coffi Agossou.The findings of the DWCP mid-term review was presented by an international Consultant of the ILO, Dr Shubh Kumar-Range, follows a series of stakeholder meetings held in Seychelles and virtually over the last two weeks. The aims of the review were to: assess the achievements made so far in realizing the outcomes; obtain feedback for improving programme delivery; take stock of lessons learned and challenges and; propose recommendations. The Consultant for instance outlined that the relevance of the DWCP to the Seychelles is very high and its content relates directly to national and sectoral priorities. In addition the focus of priorities and identification of activities for implementation has shifted over the past three years of DWCP implementation notably following the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic early in 2020. Progress has been made towards achieving DWCP results especially by organizations who have raised funds for the work and integrate the activity in their own work plans. Nevertheless promotion and implementation of social dialogue between Government, workers and employers representatives remains a noble task to improve on. Also, limited information is available on level of impact of some activities which can further assist in the evaluation and relevance of the Programme.

The main recommendations to pave the ways forward included review of the membership and effectiveness of the Advisory and Monitoring Committee (AMC) of the DWCP, in order to better implement and monitor activities. Budget planning for funding of activities must be carried out well in advance and the activities must be included in the work plans of the responsible institution carrying out the actions. The participants also raised current challenges faced in their sector which can be integrated in the Programme given its effects on unemployment.

The workshop included participants from various Ministries and Departments, workers and employers organizations as well as the National Project Coordinator/ ILO Focal Point (Mauritius)/Labour Migration Coordinator for IOC Countries (SAMM Project) and the UN Resident Coordinator office for Mauritius and Seychelles.