Apr 11, 2022 711times

Visioning meeting between Ministry of Employment and Social Affairs and the Ministry of Education

Visioning meeting between Ministry of Employment and Social Affairs and the Ministry of Education

For her visioning session for the month of April 2022, the Minister for Employment and Social Affairs met with high level officials of the Ministry of Education on 11th April 2022 to discuss and exchange information on topical subjects and agree on a common ground in order to better consolidate the efforts of both Ministries in areas of common interest concerning the subject-matters.


The platform, established in 2021, is an initiative of the Ministry of Employment and Social Affairs whereby the Minister brings together and have roundtable discussions with all three Heads of the two Departments and one Agency falling under her portfolio responsibility, Social Affairs, Employment and Agency for Social Protection, to better coordinate their work so that optimal success is achieved in the implementation of policies and programmes.


 The subjects up for discussions were re-skilling and up-skilling as well as other skills development programmes being run by both Ministries and ways to better almagamate the work for better results. The meeting was informed of targeted programmes being initiated for existing, for instance students who drop out of school, as well as new categories of clients to benefit, with new ways of assisting them in order to improve on the success rate.  A brief was given on the targeted groups that the Ministry is putting much focus on for this year and beyond, being the young mothers, people living with disabilities and substance dependents.  Emphasis was placed on the necessity for timely sharing of information to ensure that no one is left behind.   The meeting also touched on the subject of budget allocation, proposing that perhaps it requires certain re-alignment to have a more targeted approach.


In conclusion, the Minister reiterated that it is important to see parallels to work jointly and support one another’s programmes, and the link for effective follow-ups and implementation.  A plan is to be drawn to monitor actions discussed.  Follow-up meetings will take place as appropriate.