Sep 27, 2021 882times

IAEA Expert Mission-Review of Integrated Nuclear Security Support Plan for Seychelles

IAEA Expert Mission-Review of Integrated Nuclear Security Support Plan for Seychelles

Ministry of Employment and Social Affairs

Employment Department

IAEA Expert Mission-Review of Integrated Nuclear Security Support Plan for Seychelles


The Department of Employment hosted a team of two experts, from the 27th September 2021 to the 1st October 2021, namely Mr Zephirin Athanase Ouedraogo from the International Atomic Energy Agency, IAEA, based in Vienna, Austria and Mr Faradally Ollite, Director Radiation Safety and Security from the Republic of Mauritius.

 The main Mission of the team of expert was to review the Integrated Nuclear Security Support Plan for Seychelles, namely to the progress made thus far, gaps and way forward.

 The Experts met with Minister Patricia Francourt and her delegation on the 1st October 2021 to present the findings of the mission and actions needed to be undertaken for the next three years.

 It is worth noting that Seychelles has been a member of the IAEA since 2003 and further to this international commitment, the Radiation Safety and Security Act 2014 establishes the Minister Responsible for Employment as the Competent Authority regarding matters relating to Radiation Safety and Security.