Jul 09, 2021 824times

Ministerial Farm Visits on 9th July 2021

Ministerial Farm Visits on 9th July 2021

The Minister of Employment and Social Affairs Minister Patricia Francourt conducted a second visit to three other farmers in the West and South part of Mahe on Friday 9th July accompanied by high officials from her Ministry and the Chairman of Agriculture Production Association Seychelles (APAS) Dr. Barry Nourrice and Executive committee member Mr. Jean-Paul Geffroy.

This follows discussions with the Agriculture Production Association Seychelles (APAS) earlier in the year where Minister Francourt committed to meet with farmers to better understand this industry so that the required support can be accorded as far as practicable.

The visits began at Mr. Steven Roseline Farm at Anse Boileau where his main concern was the lack of Seychellois showing interest in working in the  agricultural sector, and that due to demands he is forced to recruit Non-Seychellois to work on his farm. Mr. Roseline added that he does get some casual but they are not reliable, all of this resulting in low production.

The delegation continued their visit at Val D’en Dor where they first met Mr. Guymere Corgat owner of Fresh Way Farm who produces livestock only, followed by a stop at Mr. Alix Esparon’s Farm.

Their concern was about how the pandemic has affected them with their trusted Non- Seychellois employees who are unable to come back to the country to work due to some countries restriction to travel.

All of them described farming as taking care of a baby, as you always need to be on alert from early in the morning 365 days a year to attend to the plants or the livestock. They explained that it is a job which needs devotion, commitment and love which at the end of the day will increase production for our Seychellois people. They had other unrelated concerns for instance interest rates on loans that the Minister has agreed to take up on their behalf.

Minister Francourt had the chance to interact with some workers and was happy to meet the first and only Seychellois worker, Mr. Gilbert Magnan, at Mr. Esparon’s Farm. Mr. Magnan said that he love his job and he has even invited some of his friends to join agriculture but for some reason that he cannot understand they never show interest. He says that he loves farming and has gained the trust of Mr. Esparon as he knows what to do even in his absence.

After the visits Minister Francourt and her delegations were hosted by Val D’en D’or Farmers Association where its Chairman Mr. Danny Agathine and his staffs had prepared refreshment made from local produce after which the Minister was taken on a tour of special sites at Baie Lazare.

Minister Francourt will continue with her visits during this month alongside the Ministry of Agriculture Climate change and Environment Minister Joubert, and Agriculture Production Association Seychelles (APAS).

  Mr. Steven Roseline Farm

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Fresh Way Farm- Mr. Guymere Corgat 


  Mr. Alix Esparon Farm