Apr 14, 2021 836times





The Productivity Unit from the Ministry of Employment and Social Affairs conducted a free Productivity Workshop with all ESA staffs. The main objectives of the workshop were to sensitize and educate both the employer/employee on positive work attitudes.

Ms. Francis conducted training with ESA staffsMs. Francis conducted training with ESA staffsPhoto contribution of Ministry of Employment and Social Affairs

Topics presented has covered: -

 The Importance of Work;

  1. Meaning, benefits and implication of productivity for rapid economic development;
  2. Rights, Responsibilities and Work Ethics;
  3. Productivity Improvement; and
  4. Customer Service.

 The workshop was held in three consecutive days starting Monday 12th to Wednesday 14th April 2021.  Due to the COVID-19 restriction from the Ministry of Health, with the space availability in our Conference Room, staff were divided into 6 groups of 5 staffs, therefore in total there were six sessions, one in the morning and the other in the afternoon.    

 From the different topics presented, staff managed to learn more on the awareness of the definition of Productivity and the adoption of best practice to improve the level of productivity and office efficiency in the Agency. 

 As a result, the Agency is excepting staff to take some of these tips listed below on board, to improve on employee performance, both at the Agency and outside of their work:

 Change of mindset and attitude towards their work for them to be more innovative and creative in their endeavor

  • Improve efficiency and effectiveness of the Agency
  • Have more leadership approach with good style of management
  • Adopt the culture of service and the spirit of devotion to work
  • Improved communication and customer service in an efficient way
  • Advocate qualities/values to foster productivity at the workplace
  • Raise the level of discipline
  • Use of technology the right way
  • Respect timeline
  • Avoid wastage in all its form be it human resource, financial and material
  • Promote teamwork
  • Put strategies in place to address any productivity issues not forgetting the monitoring and evaluation strategy.   

 As Productivity processes and concepts are ways of getting work done strategically to get the biggest outcome from the employee, thus continued improvement of productivity is a condition for competitiveness and economic growth.  It is not an end in itself, but a means to improve and change workers’ lives, creating a sustainable enterprise, foster social cohesion and also improve on the development of the economic in general.  Maintaining and boosting work-life balance is part of the productivity practice which will help staff to stay healthy, be happy and focused, as the Agency grow.  These tactics when learned will help the staff to work smarter rather than harder. 

Photo contribution of Ministry of Employment and Social Affairs