Sep 09, 2020 1082times

Minister of Employment, Immigration and Civil Status visits Anonyme Island

‘A listening ear during this difficult time can help relieve some of the hardship being faced by workplaces as a result of the COVID-19.’  Those were the words echoed by Mrs Myriam Telemaque, Minister of Employment, Immigration and Civil Status,  as she presses on with her fortnightly visits to workplaces to bring the support of her Ministry to employers and workers alike facing challenges in this current economic climate.

 The Minister visited Anonyme Island Resort on Wednesday 2nd September 2020 accompanied by senior officers of her Ministry. In keeping with the new normal, she did not visit the staff at their workstations as is customary but rather had an entretien with them in small groups ensuring to maintain the social distancing arrangement.

Minister of Employment, Immigration and Civil Status visits Anonyme Island

 As the pandemic continues to have an adverse impact on economies around the world, our country is also feeling its effect.  Fortunately for Anonyme Island Resort, they have not been overly affected, no workers have lost their jobs or found themselves with salary cuts. Rather they are continuously looking for new talents having recently employed workers from the hospitality industry that have been made redundant.

 In general the staff expressed that they were happy to work for the Resort on the island, with a number of them having served for many years of up to 13 years. The few issues brought up by them could easily be sorted out with an effective line of communication, something that the staff are asking for. Management has agreed to re-start the departmental and general staff meeting that they used to have on a regular basis.

 The Minister stressed to the staff that it is important now more than ever to give their all in their work so that the Resort could remain open and in return they are able to keep their job. She highlighted that many of our fellow Seychellois have not been as lucky so it is paramount that businesses that are still in operation continues to be so and strive, to allow our economy to recover and more jobs created in the process.