Apr 28, 2020 991times

World Day for Safety and Health at Work 2020

Ministry of Employment, Immigration and Civil Status

Employment Department

World Day for Safety and Health at Work 2020

Message by Minister Miriam Telemaque


The World Day for Safety and Health at work for 2020 is being celebrated at a time when the world is facing the COVID-19 pandemic and Seychelles have not escaped its impact be it at the workplace and in the community.

The sudden outbreak of this pandemic also reminds us that there are numerous other threats, aside from the usual physical and psychosocial hazards, that affects the Safety and Health of our workers. It is on this note that the World Day for Safety and Health is being celebrated under the chosen theme adopted by the International Labour Organisation which is, “Stop the pandemic: Safety and Health can save lives”

Whilst we agree that the COVID-19 pandemic has brought about a new health and safety risk, the Government, employers and workers have an important role to play for the response of this outbreak and more so than before the general health and safety of all at the workplace moving forward .

For the Government, the protection of workers wellbeing remains a top priority. Through the recent approval of the Radiation Safety and Security Regulations and the ongoing update of the Occupational Safety and Health Decree are testimonies of the Government’s commitment in remaining abreast with new challenges affecting the workplace.

With the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, safety at the workplace has taken a new dimension. It is in this regard that employer and workers should not be complacent in doing the minimum requirements but should go a step further in re-enforcing current practice and adopting additional workplace measure in order to respond to the current evolving situation so as to ensure the general safety at the workplace, through the adoption of new work process and procedures so as work can be performed safely and confidently.

The World Day for Safety and Health at work 2020 also presents the opportune time for the Government to call on all of its Social partners, especially Workers and Employers Organisation to be more proactive, act collectively and remain committed in ensuring a safe and healthy workplace.

To conclude, I would like to command workers working on the front line and those providing essential service and call on all other workers, employers and the public in general to stay safe and to follow all instructions from the Public Health Authority.