Mar 10, 2020 617times

Employment department’s website gets new look

Contributed by the Employment, Immigration and Civil StatusContributed by the Employment, Immigration and Civil Status

After nearly two months working in close collaboration with a local web designer, the website of employment department under the Ministry of Employment, Immigration and Civil Status has a new appearance.

In a press release the ministry has said that in its continued effort to support and sustain employment in Seychelles, the employment department has found it necessary to undertake a facelift of its website to keep members of the public well informed and up to date with different matters related to labour and employment.

“Over time we have listened and your feedback has helped us improve. We hope that we have captured all in one from not just being informative but also being friendly and practicable,” the press release said.

You can visit the website at

The accompanying pictures show Employment, Immigration and Civil Status Minister Myriam Télémaque and the employment department team meeting to finalise the development of the website


Contributed by the Employment, Immigration and Civil Status