Dec 30, 2016 5967times

13th Month Pay

13th Month Pay



Members of the public are informed that the new law on 13th month pay will take effect on 31st December 2016. The new law makes provision for a 13th month pay which is equal to basic salary, which therefore excludes allowances or any other benefits, such as service charge.



To be eligible for a 13th month pay, a worker should have completed one year in employment including probationary period. This means that a worker, who has started employment during the year 2016 and does not have one year in the respective employment, will not be qualified for a 13th month pay. The worker will only be qualified as of the following year.


Payment date

Employers are required to pay 13th month pay not later than 31st March 2017.



If an employer is already paying bonus to its employees according to their contract of employment, and if the bonus is more than a 13th month pay, then the employer may pay first part of the bonus as 13th month pay. The balance may then be paid as bonus to the employee.



The following workers will not qualify for the 13th month pay:

-non-Seychellois workers

-participants of Skills Development Programme 

It is important to note that casual workers will not qualify for the 13th month pay.


Unauthorized absence

If a worker is absent from work without authorization:

-one day’s pay shall be deducted from the 13th month pay, for the first day of absence

-three days pay shall be deducted from the 13th month pay, for each of the other days of absence.


Payment by pro-rata

-Workers on overseas training for more than 14 weeks or unpaid leave for more than one month during the corresponding year, will be paid the 13th month pay in proportion to their period of service.

-A worker who is in prison or detained in lawful custody during the corresponding year, shall be eligible for pro-rata payment only.


For more information, please contact the Employment Department on 4297200/ 232/235 or visit us at Independence House Annex, Independence Avenue, Monday to Friday, 9am – 3pm.


To download click here >> Employment (Amendment) Act 2016 (Act 24 of 2016) 





Manm piblik i ganny enformen ki nouvo lalwa lo 13enm mwan lapey i pran lefe le 31 Desanm 2016.

Sa lalwa i fer provizyon pour en 13enm mwan lapey ki ekivalan en saler debaz, savedir i pa enkli alawens ou lezot benefis, tel ki « service charge. »


Pou kalifye

Pou kalifye pour en 13enm mwan lapey, fodre travayer in konplet 1an travay enkli peryod probasyon. Savedir si en travayer in konmans travay pandan lannen 2016 e napa 1an dan lanplwa, i pa pou kalifye pour ganny 13enm mwan lapey. I pou selman kalifye lannen swivan.


Dat peyman

Anplwayer pour bezwen pey 13enm mwan lapey pa pli tar ki le 31 Mars 2017.



Si en anplwayer ki deza pe pey bonus zot travayer dapre zot kontra travay, e si sa bonus i plis ki en 13enm mwan lapey, sa anplwayer i kapab pey premye parti sa bonus konman 13enm mwan lapey. La diferans I devret apre ganny peye konman bonus.



Travayer ki pa pour kalifye pour ganny 13enm mwan lapey i konm swivan :


-travayer etranze

-partisipan ki progranm « Skills Development Programme »

I enportan pour note ki travayer zournalye (casual workers) pa kalifye pour ganny 13enm mwan lapey.


Absan san lotorizasyon

Si en travayer I absan travay san lotorizasyon:


-en zour lapey pour tire lo 13enm mwan lapey, pour sa premye zour absan

-trwa zour lapey pour tire pour larestan sak zour absan.


Peyman an proporsyon

Travayer ki’n lo formasyon a letranze pour plis ki 14 semenn oubyen lo konze san lapey, pour plis ki 1 mwan pandan lannen, pour ganny peye 13enm mwan lapey an proporsyon peryod ki zot ti dan lanplwa. 

En travayer ki dan prizon ou an detansyon pandan lannen, i devret ganny peye 13enm mwan lapey an proporsyon.


Pour plis lenformasyon, silvouple kontakte Departman Lanplwa lo nimero telefonn 4297200/ 232/235 oubyen vizit nou biro batiman Independence House Annex, Independence Avenue, Lendi a Vandredi, 9er bomaten – 3er apremidi.


Pou download click isi >> Employment (Amendment) Act 2016 (Act 24 of 2016) 




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