Oct 05, 2013 1784times

National Theme School Poster Competition

National Theme School Poster Competition

As part of the activities to promote this years’ National Theme of ‘‘Striving for our Seychelles’’, in February of this year, the National Theme Steering Committee, chaired by Minister Idith Alexander launched a National Theme Poster Competition.

The aim of the competition, which was for Secondary and Post Secondary Schools was to sensitize students on the values encased in the National Theme which has been retained from 2012. This was done to enable the nation to continue working towards building the New Seychelles.



In their posters, the students had to depict their understanding of the values in this years’ Theme. The posters were judged for their content, relevance to the Theme, use of colours as well as the clarity of the message being displayed.

Altogether, a total of 26 posters were received, 18 were from Secondary Schools students and 8 were from Post Secondary School students.



A Prize Giving Ceremony was held on Thursday 4th October 2013 at the National Cultural Centre to award the winning participants with their prizes. Present was Minister Alexander, Principal Secretary Ms Veronique Bresson for Labour, members of the National Theme Steering Committee and the participants accompanied by their teachers.



Mr Ahmed Essack won the first prize for the Post Secondary School category with Mr Revesson Pillay coming second and Ms Elvina Brutus third. For the Secondary School category, Mr Terry Moncherry came out first with Mr Eric Contoret in second place and Ms Chloe Pascal taking third place.



The winning posters will be incorporated into a calendar for 2014.