Oct 15, 2012 477times

Work smarter for greater productivity

As part of its activities for the Productivity Awareness Week (May 14 – 18, 2012), the Ministry of Labour and Human Resource Development is promoting a culture of productive employment amongst our population.

But what does Productivity means?
Productivity is simply defined as the efficient use of resources, labour and materials for the production of goods and services. In other words, it is about doing more in less time and increased performance in the hours worked.


Simple tips for you to enjoy your current job:
• Get yourself motivated to face the day: a positive attitude will make the day more pleasant and productive

• Keep your work in perspective: you can only do the best you can in each situation. Look beyond yourself and your work and consider the bigger picture

• Plan your time: prioritise your to-do list, do the important and urgent things first

• Concentrate on the task at hand: do not let yourself be distracted by worrying about all the other things to be done or losing energy over undesirable situations. Stay in the moment

• Clarify anytime you are not sure or when you are faced with conflicting demands: the more clear and upfront you are with your employer and other colleagues, the better it will be for you in the long term

• Review your day before you leave for home: look at what worked well and what could be improved the next day.

What can I do as an employer to improve Productivity?

• Train, motivate and discipline workers

• Build teamwork

• Develop performance incentives

• Make full use of technology

• Modernise equipments

• Review practices and procedures

• Economise on raw materials

• Sell products or services at competitive prices

Contributed by the Ministry of Labour and Human Resource Development