Oct 16, 2018 805times

Employment Minister Expresses support as she visits three employment establishments in the production sector.

Employment Minister Expresses support as she visits three employment establishments in the production sector.

For the month of September, one of the first visit that the Minister for Employment Immigration and Civil Status, accompanied by senior officers of her Ministry, undertook was to a private establishment well known for printing, design and publishing, The Print House, situated at the Providence. The visits are with the aim of enhancing the Minister’s plan to create and maintain a positive and collaborative relationship between her Ministry and working establishments.

september printhouse

The visit maintained the same procedure as all ministerial visits which usually begins with a tour of the establishment’s premises and by so doing there is the opportunity to relate with the workers and have a feel of their daily tasks and working environment. After a tour of the vicinity, the Minister holds a discussion with the management of the company, during which their best practices are encouraged and suggestions for the issues raised by staff are proffered.

During this tour, the general impression communicated by the workers was one of passion for their job. In the absence of a General Manager, the human resource personnel proved to be effective as positive remarks were made describing the inclusive efforts and activities put together for the staff such as satisfactory salary and welfare events like gatherings for the staff birthdays. The establishment also retains the honour of long serving staff as well as managerial practices tailored to suit the nature and needs of the company like their staff overtime negotiation and appraisal system.

There were some issues raised, however few which were discussed such as the presence of a communication breach among staff of different sections that creates certain confusions when it comes to the work process to which the Minister suggested more frequent and consistent meetings and the sharing of feedback to staff after the meetings. Staff turnover were also brought out as a point of concern by staff that as a result is affecting others in view that the workload would increase but with no adjustment in remuneration or acknowledgement of efforts. On the part of the employer, there was the issue of work attitude and the reluctance to take up more responsibility even with the availability of training provided by the company.

By and large, the Minister expressed support to the workers urging them to be committed and steadfast in their duties and to the employer for their efforts in maintaining conducive working conditions for their staff.

The second visit was to Mie de Pain, a local bakery in the Providence industrial estate. The bakery is part of a larger company “Paint World”, through which most of their purchases and administration are controlled. Mie de Pain produces a vast variety of exquisite pastries which are sold at the front section of the bakery.

september mis de pain

Prior to the tour of the premises, the Manager Mr Steve Jardine explained how the baking was done of which most was in the mornings and their process of purchasing and storage. The tour of the bakery showed an extensive improvement to the infrastructure from the previous visits by labour officers, while the staff at their work stations remarked on how they are now satisfied with the management and condition of work and salary. The company’s efforts to make the workers content did not go unnoticed with the provision of free sandwich for breakfast and lunch as well as birthday cakes whenever it was the occasion.

After the tour a brief meeting with the Manager was held as he expressed willingness to take in students who would like to learn or perfect their baking skills even if the working hours might be challenging as baking begins early as he stated, “it is not perfect here but we hope to improve”. The company also offers flexible working hours arrangement which should assist them in retaining staff and attract good quality ones.

The Minister encouraged the workers and expressed satisfaction in the working condition of the establishment and urged the company to continue to improve in order to get more people to join them.

 The third and final visit for the month was to SODEPAK situated at Le Rocher, a company involved in water bottling for many years now.  During the tour of the factory, active interaction ensued between the Minister and the workers as they depicted a general sense of satisfaction in their job. The company has staff with long years of service, some as long as 30 years and this has come as a result of good working conditions that the company keeps improving on over time.  They have recently built a rather impressive and comfortable canteen with spacious sitting areas for the staff.  The workers are provided with adequate safety gears as well as facilities for conducive work in the factory. However, some minor concerns were raised which included the shortage of staff in some sections and this intensifies tasks for the workers.


september sodepak

During the debriefing management made known of their plans to expand on their business by introducing new products that is imminent.  They informed of the difficulties they face to recruit locals and that this is a concern for them as they continue to grow as a business.   They hope that with the introduction of new technology that will happen soon will help ease on the intensity of the work thus attract more people to join them especially the youth.  At the same time they will continue to provide opportunities for their current staff to grow alongside them by promoting those with potentials and provide new incentives to keep their retention rate high.   

The Minister, on her part, commended management on the efforts being made to adhere to employment regulations as well as providing a conducive working environment for the staff as seen in the practice of flexible working hours for the mothers, also there are monetary incentives to increase performance and promote a culture of punctuality as well as to help tackle the situation of excessive sick leave. The management also operates an open door policy providing a channel for effective communication.  She suggested that the company recruit a human resource personnel to help reduce the work load and organize the administration of staff as well as make provision for social activities. She also expressed satisfaction in the condition of the establishment-worker relationship. 

There will be follow up on all three visits in due time by officers of the Ministry to ensure agreed recommendations are implemented within reasonable time.