A Private Tiurism Establishment on Praslin Receives Encouragement from The Employment Ministry
The Castello Beach Hotel received a visit from the Minister of Employment, Immigration and Civil Status, Mrs Myriam Telemaque on the 27th of July 2018. The hotel situated at at Anse Kerlan, Praslin has been in operation since 2008 and employs 41 workers; 10 of which are non-Seychellois and 31 Locals.
As the regular procedure of such visits, the Minister along with the relevant officers from the Ministry are lead on a tour through the premises of the establishment where the Minister and her delegation interact with the workers at their work station. This provides an insight on what each worker’s job entails as well as any challenges they may be facing on the job. Following the tour, the Minister holds a debriefing with the management of the company where commendation are made, issues are raised, means of tackling these concerns are proposed and best practices are shared.
Minister Telemaque has developed a strong platform of communication and exchange of ideas with the private sector through her dedicated and consistent visits to private establishments. These ministerial visits do not only serve as a way of fostering positive relationship between the government and the private sector but they are also a means of ensuring suitable support to both workers and employers in order to preserve the contribution they are making to the economy.
During the tour, most of the staff of the establishment uttered satisfactory remarks about the new management; the new General Manager and Human Resource Personnel of the hotel, both of which have brought about new processes especially having clear line of communication with staff and in so doing, empowering them to make decisions for themselves in their line of work without being overburdened with strict procedures. They also expressed pleasure in their working environment and hours as well as other aspects of their job. There were however minor concerns raised such as the overdue of some appraisals, insufficient staff in certain departments and the need to review the salary increment plans. Also there was the need for safety gear in most departments and the lack of interest of staff to take up higher posts or responsibilities.
The debriefing with the management presented an ideal forum through which the new General Manager, Mr Jasper Van Der Westhuizen discussed the company’s approach in solving some of the issues raised. The Ministry thereby offered some suggestions such as the development of a clear career path for the staff to better understand what is expected of them. He was also commended on the effort put into keeping the staff content and advised to continue with the hotel’s positive effort in maintaining satisfaction among the staff.
There will be follow-up visits by the Ministry to the establishment with the aim to maintain a positive relationship and ensure the welfare of the workers.