Jul 19, 2018 558times

Minister Myriam Télémaque’s World Safety Day message

Minister Myriam Télémaque’s World Safety Day message


"It is of utmost importance for employers to assess and manage all risks in their workplace that may have an impact on the health and safety of all workers".

Employment, Immigration and Civil Status Minister Myriam Télémaque said this is her message to mark World Safety Day, today.


The minister's message reads:

"The World Day for Safety and Health at Work is an annual international and national awareness-raising campaign to promote safe, healthy and decent work for all and the Ministry for Employment, Immigration and Civil status remains focus in its endeavour in promoting a safe working environment.

"For 2018, the ministry strongly supports the theme chosen by the International Labour Organisation – 'Generation Safe and Healthy' - which is also in line with Sustainable Development Goal target 8.7 and 8.8 which advocates the elimination of all forms of child labour by 2025 as well as a safe and secure working environment for all workers by 2030.


"It is of utmost importance for employers to assess and manage all risks in their workplace that may have an impact on the health and safety of all workers. This should be in the form of detailed induction programmes, proper supervision, site familiarisation and provision of relevant personal protective equipment.


"Many factors can increase the vulnerability of young persons to occupational safety and health risks, for example through lack of training and limited awareness of work-related hazards. Hence, existing arrangements and risks assessment should be reviewed by employers taking into account specific factors of young persons, especially in higher risk environment, such as work involving extreme temperatures and toxic substances whereby proper control needs to be exerted.


"A total of 84 occupational accidents were registered for the year 2017 and the department is currently working closely with workplace organisations to continuously improve on workplace safety. It is an opportune time also to recognise workplaces with good practices such as those having a designated health and safety officer employed for such purpose.


"Importance is also placed on the different existing and upcoming legal and procedural mechanisms through the Occupational Safety and Health Decree and Employment Act 1995, to regulate OHS in Seychelles including that of young persons.


"Our effort does not end here, relevant legislations are currently under review in order to tackle the emerging issues of safety and health which will include a list of prohibited hazardous work for children. The year 2018 will also feature the commencement of implementation of strategies under the new national Occupational Safety and Health Policy for Seychelles which is geared at promoting a preventive culture within all workplace establishments.


"I take this opportunity to call on all employers to be more vigilant and proactive in addressing emerging risks and to collaborate actively with the employment department in order to achieve a safer and healthier population".