Third Human Resource Forum for the year 2017
Third Human Resource Forum for the year 2017
The Ministry of Employment, Immigration and Civil Status held the third Human Resource Forum for the year 2017 on Thursday the 9th of November at the STC Conference room. As established, the Human Resource Forum is a platform for consultation and sharing of knowledge and best practices between Human Resource Managers and Directors from the private sector as a means of strengthening the partnership between the Ministry and the Private sector.
Two main presentations were made at the forum meeting. The first one featured the Occupational Health, Safety and Standard Awareness service provider, Mrs Tina Hoareau on the consultancy and training services on offer at S&S Consultancy. She enlightened the forum of the necessity for safety measures and the various services her consultancy can provide. The members of the forum had the opportunity to present their questions on the presentation.
The Forum was chaired by the Principal Secretary for the Employment Department Mr. Jules Baker and was attended by companies from different industries such as Construction, Hotels, Financial organisation and private businesses.
The second presentation was on the Seychelles Tourism Academy Training Forecast by the Senior Coordinator External Relations/Press Attache Mrs Murla Gabriel. This presentation spurred up an interactive discussion among the members of the forum from the hotels and tourism industry on their needs and requirements from the academy as well as their concerns of the curriculum content and how it affects their company. Also the academy was made aware of the needs the establishments present had.
The two presentations at the forum attracted interactive dialogue between members present on the issues raised both in terms of opportunities and challenges faced by the industry. They also recommended that similar presentations be welcome for subsequent meetings.
The next Forum is scheduled to take place in March 2018 and the venue remains the STC Conference Room.
Ministry of Labour and Human Resource Development hosts second Human Resource Forum for the year of 2016
Ministry of Labour and Human Resource Development hosts second Human Resource Forum for the year of 2016
“The growth of every workforce depends on its Human Resource- develop it.”
The Ministry of Labour and Human Resource Development hosted its second Human Resource Forum for the year on Thursday 18th August 2016 at the STC Board Room. The Human Resources Forum is a platform for consultation, and the sharing of knowledge and best practices between Human Resource Managers and Directors from the private sector as a means of strengthening the partnership between the Ministry and the Private sector.
The session was chaired by Principal Secretary Ms Veronique Bresson.
The programme of the day included three main presentations. The first one was about the Policy on Recognition of Prior Learning by Mr. Hubert Barbe, Director Seychelles Institute of Technology and Ms Joan Amade, Quality Assurance Officer of Seychelles Qualifications Authority from the Ministry of Education. The Policy was brought to the Forum as a means of consultation with the private sector to get their input in view that it is them who will be implementing it.
Mr. Barbe explained to the members of the forum what the RPL policy involves, the countries worldwide that have adopted this policy, when the manual was developed in Seychelles, what stage the policy is at and the activities the SQA has undertaken with regards to the policy. This also opened up an avenue for the members to clarify the ways in which this policy affects their organizations.
As the second presentation, the Principal Secretary Mr. Patrick Payet of the Ministry of Finance Trade and Blue Economy, presented the New Progressive Income Tax. This presentation was on the request of members of the Forum and it also served as a means of disseminating the information on the New Progressive Income Tax proposal in that it affected every organization represented in the Forum; members had deliberations as to how the New Progressive Income Tax would apply to them and their organizations. The PS circulated a document which displayed the categories and their tax calculations.
The Validation of the Evaluation of the Human Resource Forum was the third presentation. This Forum was established in 2012, there was necessity to conduct an evaluation for the 2012 to 2014 of which members and stakeholders were consulted. The validation was presented by Ms Rubya Pillay Senior Research Officer MLHRD.
Finally Ms Vanessa Dugasse, Acting Director of Labour Migration MLHRD, presented the revised Quota System which was put in circulation in August 2016. This presentation was brought to the Forum as a means of sensitizing the Human Resource Managers and Directors of the additions and exclusion made to the previous quota system. This was also an opportunity that they had to discuss these changes.
The rest of the meeting was spent in open discussion where members got the opportunity to raise various issues that they required clarification on from the Ministry or get the opinion of their colleagues. The next Forum is scheduled to take place in November 2016.
Final Human Resource Forum for the year of 2014
“Effective Human Resource Management is necessary for any business or organisation, as it concerns their most valuable resource – their people.”
The Ministry of Labour and Human Resource Development held its final Human Resource Forum for the year on Thursday 20th November 2014 at the STC Board Room. As a reminder, the Human Resources Forum is a platform for consultation, and the sharing of knowledge and best practices between the attendees.
The session was chaired by Principal Secretary Ms Veronique Bresson.
This latest edition of the Forum began with a presentation on the Employment Assistance Programme (EAP) by Ms. Yvana Theresine, Director of Drug and Alcohol Council. Ms Theresine took the opportunity to remind the attendees of the reasons the programme had been set up, such as employees struggling with problems like drugs and alcohol being unwilling to pursue treatment openly for fear of stigmatisation. She also emphasised that, while the EAP evolved out of the desire to help substance abuse victims, this is not the only area in which it can help. It can also render assistance in area such as legal advice, or various health and safety issues. The programme includes mechanisms for providing counselling, referrals, and other forms of assistance, advice, and information to employees on a systematic and uniform basis.
“The government wants the EAP to provide employees with a safe workplace,” Ms Theresine said.
She also stressed that adoption of the EAP is not mandatory and that many organisations already have their own employee assistance schemes in place that are working quite well. Ms Theresine extended an invitation to such organisations to share ideas with the people behind the EAP with the aim of making it a more efficient machine.
The second and final presentation of the day was by Ms. Susan Morel, Director of Planning and Policy Research at the Ministry of Labour and Human Resource Development. Ms Morel discussed the issue of fair salaries and the step the Ministry of Labour is taking to ensure fair treatment for all employees.
The rest of the meeting was spent in open discussion on various issues the members wished to express. The next Forum is scheduled to take place in three months.